Letting Go (Day 1 of 30)

September 1, 2020

I have committed to writing a blog a day every day this September to look back, let go, and take in all that I’m grateful for, and the blessings of the past year. Life with Glioblastoma feels like playing Russian roulette every day. Living a mystery in three month increments, from MRI to the next MRI. Cancer is a journey that clearly sucks, but has much to offer if we are able to see the gift through the struggle.

My intentions are to look back over the years, share some of my favorite hikes, sunrises, landscapes, friends, family, and more. I want to reminisce a little and share with you the joys, the challenges, the struggles, and the gifts!

This series is not getting off to the beginning I hoped it would because sometimes shit happens that gets in the way of an otherwise imperfect plan. I’m not a planner, never have been, so it’s fitting that this would be the way the story unfolds.

As morning was breaking this morning and the skies opened up in all their beautiful glory, the heavens received a new angel, Frankie, my daughter’s oldest (16 1/2 years old) dog. I affectionately called him Snort, because — have you ever heard a pug breath? He was a character, loved everyone (even if they didn’t return the love), and was just a tad bit spoiled, and very loved!

Please send a little extra love to my daughter, Amie, as she let’s go of her precious little guy.

I love you Amie, and we all loved Frankie! Big precious hugs and ribbons of love from my heart to yours. May the rest of September bring peace and amazing memories to help you carry on.

More about Pam

I spent decades climbing mountains figuratively, and finding obstacles on every path I chose. I grew so depressed as an aging mother to adult children with special needs that I had lost who I was. That's when I discovered hiking and the mountains near my home. There's nothing like the peaceful solitude of watching the sunrise from a mountain top. Nature feeds my soul and has made me whole again.