

Groundhog Day

It’s Groundhog Day which is a day that has significance to me. In the classic movie, Groundhog Day, the main character, Phil, a weatherman, wakes up to report if the groundhog sees his shadow. However, for him every new day turns out to be Groundhog Day over and over again. He becomes stuck in a seemingly endless loop, repeating the same things he did the previous day. He’s rude and arrogant, reeks of sarcasm and contempt for the world, and simply...

Filling My Toolbag

We all have shadows, secrets, real-life junk that we don’t talk about or share–the dark or shadow side of our lives. Today I’m seeing the shadow side as something that merely exists. It’s a part of us that we accept, but hope to change, and find ways to turn into a lighter aspect of life. As part of my journey here, I am going to share some of my own dark places, and how I’ve used them to gain strength...

I Believe

I pulled up to the Post Office yesterday and saw a man with a long white beard, thinning hair, wide and round around the middle wearing a red shirt, suspenders and a broad smile on his face. I thought to myself “It’s Santa”. He went into the Post Office ahead of me and took care of his business on one side of the building while I walked over to take my place in a very long line, where many of us...